Open Office HourOnlab Open Office Hour

Open Office Hours are available for startups and entrepreneurs. If you wish to have 30 minutes of one-on-one meetings, please apply from this form.

Recommended for those who wish to…

  • discuss on your business ideas
  • look out for and what strategies to use in fundraising
  • explore the possibility of business and capital alliances
  • learn more about the Onlab program

we are having one-on-one meetings with our team who are in charge of the Onlab program and graduate support as well as Onlab members specializing in specific industries and regions (ESG, web3, HOKKAIDO, etc.), to discuss on a wide range of topics including business growth, business alliances, and fundraising.

Open Office Hour


We will contact you only when we decide to have a meeting. Please note that we may not be able to meet your request depending on your application.

If your submission was not completed due to an error or other reason, we would appreciate it if you could resend it to us.

*Fields are mandatory

Please add country code if you are in a foreign country.

digit only

Company / Service Information

Enter N/A if inapplicable

Select N/A if inapplicable

If you answered N/A in the above question, please answer

Enter N/A if inapplicable

Please name file as follows. 'your service name_yyyymmdd.pdf'

Discussion Points

* If you choose Onlab HOKKAIDO, a member of D2 Garage, Inc. will be in charge of the meeting.

(In 300 letters or less)

Regarding applications from within the European Union (GDPR Privacy Policy)

Please make sure to check the contents of this page if your application is from within the EU.

We are obligated to comply with the GDPR (European General Data Protection Regulation) with respect to personal data provided by individuals located in within the European Union, regardless of nationality or place of residence. If you declare that you are from within the European Union, we will collect, use, and manage your personal information in accordance with the GDPR.

You will only be asked to provide personal data that is necessary for program selection. Please be aware that if the personal data you provide is not accurate, we may not be able to comply with the GDPR.

Entity responsible for processing personal data and contact information:

Digital Garage, Inc.
Address: Digital Gate Building, 3-5-7 Ebisu-Minami, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Telephone number: 03-6367-1111 (representative)


Please check the above and if you are applying from within the EU, please select "Yes" below to apply.

Regarding Personal Information

Applicants agree that information provided in the application process including personal information shall be shared to Digital Garage and D2 Garage, Inc. (if you selected Onlab HOKKAIDO as a discussion partner). Digital Garage shall not provide the Personal Information to any third party other than those listed in the preceding paragraph without the prior approval of the participant. Purpose of use

  • Open Office Hour and related communications;
  • Sending e-mail newsletters to those who are interested; and
  • and For supporting and providing other necessary services.
  • *For further information, please read “Handling Personal Information” refer B.6 B.7 for details.
    *EU applications will be collected, used, and managed in accordance with EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016.

    Your inquiry will be sent once you hit submit. There is no confirmation page.
    We will not send you the detail you entered from the point of view of privacy protection. Please be sure to take note of the information you have entered before submitting the form.

    We will send you the latest events information and articles
    or notify opening of application for each Onlab's Program, and more.